The views and opinions expressed in this blog are solely mine and not connected in anyway to the United States Peace Corps.


sunny days, cloudless nights.

i love love LOVE days like today.  i woke up to sunshine streaming through my curtains, and until about 20mins ago the sky was completely clear, not a cloud in sight.  spring is on the way my friends.  i visited oxford on Friday night,went to Reagent Hall's formal dinner (Regeant's is the college that the other people from Jewell that are enrolled in Oxford go to) and following bop and then brought back some of the people here to cambridge to watch our friend play in the Varsity women's football (soccer) match of oxford vs. cambridge.  Two top nights, right in a row.  This weekend i'm off to see Franz Ferdinand in concert in Birmingham (i don't really know where that is . . . but i'm going there on sunday!)  with some friends on queen's wing--i'm stoked.  and so, even though i have an essay plan, essay, and experimental design due in 3 hours, i'm completely at ease (almost) because this past weekend was great, and the upcoming one looks like it's going to be as well. i never really thought i'd be one of those people living for the weekends . . . does that mean i'm growing up--oooh, i hope not!  :)

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