The views and opinions expressed in this blog are solely mine and not connected in anyway to the United States Peace Corps.



Let me just say, I
love getting mail. even ads from stores--as long as it is addressed to me, i get a happy feeling inside as I tear open the envelope/catalog/etc . . . But this post is not a subtle hint to have you all send me mail while i'm abroad (that will come once I have my address)-today I recieved a huge pack of mail from Cambridge. Included in this pack was a Freshers' Guide, freshers being what they call newbies to Cambridge. OMG. I will not bore you with all the details of this guide, but let me just say--they surely know how to plan a week of activities for college students. A college lead pub crawl, club night, punting, bar ents nights (whatever THAT is), adventure afternoon. . .

I think Cambridge University and I will get along just fine.

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